

How much KP’s agriculture share in its provincial GDP?2021-06-14T10:32:20+00:00

The share of agriculture in the provincial Gross Domestic Product is 22% whereas it provides 44% of employment of the total labor force.

What are the main project objectives?2021-06-14T10:37:24+00:00
  • To conserve land and water resources through various interventions for supplemental irrigation, livestock, farm forestry, and fish farming
  • To increase cropping intensity and per unit of land and water productivity
  • To improve livelihood standards of poor fanners
  • To improve socio-economic stability
What is water storage pond?2021-06-14T10:38:14+00:00

A pond is a body of standing water that is usually smaller than a lake. It may be cemented or earthen, depending on the site and location. Water ponds serve as source of water, harvested from runoff or perennial springs.

What is the capacity of water storage pond?2021-06-14T10:39:04+00:00

The water storage capacity of a pond is 5 to 10 acre feet.

Which type of material is used in construction of Check dams?2021-06-14T10:40:37+00:00

These structures are commonly constructed using stone, gravel bags, sandbags or masonry etc.

What are water reservoirs?2021-06-14T10:41:15+00:00

It is planned to provide one-time financial assistance of Rs.250, 000 per unit by the project, remaining cost to be contributed by the farmers.

What is Stream bank stabilization?2021-06-14T10:41:58+00:00

A vegetative, structural or combination treatment of streams designed to stabilize the stream and reduce erosion is called stream bank stabilization.

What is Gated filled Inlet Outlets spillway?2021-06-14T10:43:09+00:00

A field spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of excess flow of water from field to a downstream area.

What is Terracing?2021-06-14T10:44:44+00:00

A terrace is a piece of sloped plane that has been cut into a series of successively receding flat surfaces or platforms, which resemble steps, for the purposes of more effective farming.

What is the unit cost of Micro-watershed development?2021-06-14T10:45:53+00:00
  • The average unit cost of micro-watershed development is set to be Rs.5.000 million (project cost) and will arrange between rs.2.000 million to Rs.9.000 million project share.
  • An estimated 70 watersheds will be established for which an amount of Rs.490 million has been allocated.
What is the purpose of Water seepage harvesting galleries?2021-06-14T10:46:31+00:00

Water seepage harvesting galleries are sub-surface groundwater collection systems (tanks) with perforated pipes, typically shallow in depth, constructed in a sloppy area.

What is the unit cost of Agronomic low-cost interventions?2021-06-14T10:47:19+00:00
  • The average unit cost of various low-cost interventions is set to be Rs. 0.125 million (project cost) and will range between Rs. 0.020 million and Rs. 0.300 million.
  • Allocation of Rs 100 million for undertaking an estimated 800 low-cost interventions.
What is Sand dunes stabilization?2021-06-14T10:47:53+00:00

Sand dune is a ridge of sand created by the wind, found in deserts or near lakes and oceans. Sand dunes can be stabilized by several methods in which herbaceous plantation method is the best one in which these plants are grown at a distance for effective control of sand dunes.

How many farmers are conducted for training of solar pumping system?2021-06-14T10:49:05+00:00

700 farmers are conducted for training of solar pumping system

What are the main component of Tube wells?2021-06-14T10:49:42+00:00
  • The top housing or suction pipe.
  • Blank or blind pipe to cut off low water yielding zones
  • A bail plug or sand trap fixed at the bottom end of a tube well. The strainer or the screen to receive inflow from the formation
  • A filter pack comprising of graded gravel and sand installed around the strainer or the blind pipe.
What are the features of solar pumping system?2021-06-14T10:50:33+00:00
  • The solar system consists of PV array, inverter, controller, submersible I centrifugal pump and water tank at ground surface,
  • When light falls on the active surface of the PV (photovoltaic) panel containing silicon cells, the electrons in a solar cell become energized and Photo voltaic array converts solar energy directly into electricity as DC and inverter converts it into AC. The AC water pump needs AC current which is supplied from inverter.
  • Water is pumped from the well and stored in an appropriate size Water tank constructed at ground surface and Irrigation is done from the Tank water whenever required.
  • The power from a solar system and the volume of water pumped varies with the amount of solar radiation.

The pump will have its own optimum discharge depending on the type and size of panel/motor.

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