Terracing is a farming method that uses “steps” built into the side of a mountain or hill. On each level, various crops are planted. When it rains, instead of washing away all of the nutrients in the soil nutrients are carried down to the next level. Additionally, these steps prevent land sliding that would take plants with it and destroy all of the crops on the hillside. This type of landscaping is therefore called terracing. Most of the area of KP is mountainous type and this method of farming is very suitable for agriculture and also for controlling erosion of fertile soil.


  • Increases farming and land productivity of sloped fields.
  • Contributes to water conservation by reducing water runoffs, improves rainwater harvesting.
  • Prevents soil erosion by decreasing rill formations.
  • Boosts soil conservation.
  • Reduces sedimentation and water pollution. Water stays long enough for heavy particles to settle down and prevent downstream sedimentation and pollution of water bodies.
  • Increases food production by adjusting hilly land for farming.
  • Adds to ecosystem diversity.

Terracing of 370 acres of land will make sloped area into cultivated area


  • A total of 370 acres of land will be developed for terracing purposes.
  • Farmers’ income will increase with an increase of their 370 acre culturable wasteland in productive land after terracing.
  • Rainwater infiltration will increase and land sliding will be reduced.
  • Almost 740 farmers will be benefitted from permanent agricultural practices.
  • Temporary employment of 1850 labor will be provided for the construction of terracing.


  • Terracing method is used for effective farming in hilly areas.
  • A total of 370 acre land will be developed for terracing purposes.
  • Farmers’ income will increase with an increase of their 370 acre culturable wasteland in productive land after terracing.
  • Rainwater infiltration will increase and land sliding will be reduced.
  • Almost 740 farmers will be benefitted from permanent agricultural practices.
  • Temporary employment of 1850 labors will be provided for the construction of terracing.