Procurement and installation of 700 solar pumping system and 300 tube wells which will increase 17,500 hectares of land for irrigation. Development of water resources is the major means for increasing agricultural production and installation of tube wells is one of the means for development of water resources.


  • Tube well is the simplest and most effective source of irrigation.
  • Tube well is an independent source of irrigation and can be used as and when the necessity arises.
  • It is more reliable during periods of famine.
  • No manual labor is required.
  • Tube well can be used only when it is required and its amount can be regulated.
  • Tube well can be sunk at any place.
  • It is not dependent upon the rainy season.
  • It can irrigate the field throughout the year.
  • Tube well gives a constant supply.
  • Tube wells do not require much space.

Installation of 700 solar pumping systems and 300 Tube Wells to increase 17,500 hectares of land for irrigation.


  • Procurement and installation 300 Tube Wells which will increase 43225 acres of land for irrigation.
  • Development of water resources is the major means for increasing agricultural production
  • Installation of tube wells in one of the means for the development of water resources.


  • Procurement and installation 300 Tube Wells which will Increase 43225 acres of land for irrigation.
  • Development of water resources is the major means for increasing agricultural production and the Installation of Tube wells in one of the means for the development of water resources.