Check dam is a type of low weir, normally constructed across the gullies. These can include productive dams for creating farmlands, flood control dams for preventing flood water and intercepting sediments, water-storage dams for irrigation, rock check dams for stabilizing vegetation or reducing bed gradient and gully check dams for controlling gully development. A check dam are commonly constructed from stone, sandbags gravel bags, or masonry.


These structures are commonly constructed using stone, gravel bags, sandbags or masonry, etc. Check dams include the following:

  • Productive dams for creating farmlands, made in the farmlands.
  • Flood control dams for preventing floodwater and intercepting sediments,
  • Water-storage dams for irrigation,
  • Rock check dams for stabilizing vegetation or reducing bed gradient.
  • Gully check dams for controlling gully development.

7,500 acres of land will recover byConstruction of 3000 check dams.


  • A total of 3000 Check Dams will help to convert 7500 acres of land under cultivation.
  • More than 15000 people will engage in permanent agricultural activities.
  • Temporary employment of 24000 labor will be provided during the construction of these water reservoirs.
  • Groundwater table will rise and be available to the local population.


  • A Check dam is a weir to intercept flash floods & sediments and store water for irrigation and drinking purpose.
  • A total of 3000 Check Dams will help to convert 7500 acres of land under cultivation.
  • More than 15000 people will engage in permanent agricultural activities.
  • Temporary employment of 24000 labor will be provided during the construction of these water reservoirs.
  • Groundwater table will rise and be available to the local population.