MNFS&R GOP has launched a project “Water Conservation in Barani Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” at a total cost of Rs. 14.178 billion on special instructions of the Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan to Conserve & Increase Productivity of Water in Pakistan. The project envisages addressing the issue of water scarcity in barani areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) by harvesting rain/runoff/spring water at the local level. The water can be harvested in water ponds (earthen in the low lying area while cemented in sloped/terraced mountainous areas), earthen water reservoirs, sailaba water harvesting through field inlets/spillways in the rod kohi areas, check dams in the gullied lands for land reclamation and groundwater recharge, sand dunes stabilization, terracing for moisture conservation and streambank stabilization for protection of fertile agriculture lands along the bank of water channels and micro-watershed demonstration sites.

Project Components



The project has designed to achieve the following long-run objectives:

  1. To conserve land and water resources through various interventions for supplemental irrigation, livestock, farm forestry, and fish farming
  2. To increase cropping intensity and per unit of land and water productivity
  3. To improve livelihood standards of poor fanners
  4. To improve socio-economic stability


Project objectives in quantifiable terms are as follows:

  1. To improve recharging of aquifer/groundwater, construction of 300 water storage reservoirs
  2. Development of 70 micro-watersheds to transform 15,032 acres of culturable wastelands into productive agricultural lands
  3. To reduce soil erosion and check gully erosion, the construction of 3,000 check dams
  4. Maximizing the irrigation water supplies through sub-surface water from tube wells
  5. Conversion of 43,225 acres of rainfed land into TW irrigated land by the installation of 300 tube wells.
  6. Solarization of 700 existing/new tube wells.
  7. To enhance the capacity of the stakeholders in water harvesting for increased agriculture production.
  8. To improve the socio-economic status of the farmer community.


Project objectives in quantifiable terms are as follows:

  1. To improve recharging of aquifer/groundwater, construction of 300 water storage reservoirs
  2. Development of 70 micro-watersheds to transform 15,032 acres of culturable wastelands into productive agricultural lands
  3. To reduce soil erosion and check gully erosion, the construction of 3,000 check dams
  4. Maximizing the irrigation water supplies through sub-surface water from tube wells
  5. Conversion of 43,225 acres of rainfed land into TW irrigated land by the installation of 300 tube wells.
  6. Solarization of 700 existing/new tube wells.
  7. To enhance the capacity of the stakeholders in water harvesting for increased agriculture production.
  8. To improve the socio-economic status of the farmer community.